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A Potato Flew Around My Room Minecraft Edition

Skyrim console commands: become a giant, a ghost, or a living god

Skyrim console commands
(Image credit: Bethesda)

Want to use Skyrim console commands to skip past the peskier parts of your adventures? You already know Bleak Falls Barrow like the back of your hand. You know all the words to Ragnar the Red, and The Dragonborn Comes. But have you made yourself a giant and fought against actual giants? Have you flown through the air from Riften to Solitude just to take in the sights? Have you spawned a hundred wheels of cheese?

You can do all that, and plenty of more practical things, with the help of Skyrim console commands.

This list of Skyrim's console commands can help you line up the perfect screenshots, level your character to test out a new combat build you'd been planning, and instantly unlock doors if you've run out of lockpicks and don't feel like searching for more. Sometimes a good thief bends the rules, right?

Want to see what Skyrim console codes can do? We used them (along with some mods) to turn our Skyrim character into Santa Claus and deliver presents to every NPC in the game. Read about it in A Very Skyrim Christmas.

For other ways to change, improve, and break Skyrim, try our list of Skyrim Special Edition mods, best Skyrim mods (the original), and mods for playing Skyrim as another character.

Here's how it's done:

How to use Skyrim console commands

To enable the console, just hit the tilde (~) key and enter one of the appropriate codes, which are listed below. You can turn on more than one in a row, so you can become invincible, fly, and teleport all at the same time.

Be warned, some of these console commands may cause glitches, problems, or crashes, so it's definitely worth saving your game first. You don't want to make some change and get stuck with it.

Many of these console commands require specifying an NPC or item or place with a reference number. If you're specifying an item or NPC in front of you, click on them while you've brought up the console to get their code immediately. Otherwise, here's a quick cheat sheet of reference pages where you can find those codes. Remember, CTRL+F is your friend!

  • Skyrim NPC codes
  • Skyrim Item codes
  • Skyrim Quests
  • Skyrim shout codes

Skyrim toggle console commands

Toggle commands for Skyrim turn various game features off or on. You can turn off the UI for taking great screenshots or turn off detection from NPCs to make yourself the perfect thief.

Code Effects
tgm Good ol' God Mode means you're completely invulnerable to everything.
tcl No clipping lets you walk through walls, ceilings, and mountains like some sort of ghost. Use the code again to return to normal.
tm Toggles all in-game menus, perfect if you want to take some screenshots to convince elderly relatives that Skyrim is where you went on your holidays. Note that this also hides the console commands menu, meaning you'll have to type it again without being able to see the console.
tmm [0/1] Followed by 0 or 1 turns all map markers on or off.
tfc Not Team Fortress Classic, but toggle flycam, essentially leaving your body and sailing through the air. Great for screenshots. Follow it with a 1 to pause.
tai Toggles AI on and off, which means NPCs won't interact with you, or do anything at all.
tcai Turns combat AI on or off, turning dragons into placid beasts who act like you aren't there. A bit like cats.
tdetect This one lets you behave like a little rapscallion, as it turns naughty business detection (stealing, murdering, doing a poo in the woods, etc.) on or off. You'll still get caught if you try pickpocketing, though.
tfow Turns off the fog of war on your local map, filling it in completely.

Skyrim player console commands

Skyrim player cheats can set different values for your Dragonborn. You can change your level, your face, your carry weight, and a bunch of other things.

Code Effects
psb Every single spell and shout in Skyrim is now yours! Including a bunch of test ones leftover from the design stage that will clog your spellbook.
player.advlevel Advance one level without gaining a perk.
showracemenu Bring up the character creation menu to adjust the way your character looks. If you alter your race this will reset your level and skills, but any other change is safe.
player.modav skill [#] Where "skill" is the skill you want to modify, and # is the amount you want to modify it by. Skills are input via their in-game names without spaces, apart from Archery which is "Marksman", and Speech, which is known as "Speechcraft".
player.additem [Item ID] [#] Every single item in Skyrim has a code. You'll find them in our list of Skyrim item codes. Now your dreams of owning 47 cabbage potato soups can come true.
player.additem 0000000f [#] A simple way to get some free gold.
player.additem 0000000a [#] Running low on lockpicks? Enter the number you require here and they'll magically appear.
addshout [Shout ID] Use the reference page of Shout IDs above to give yourself any Dragonborn ability you like.
player.setcrimegold [#] Adjust your wanted level with this handy command. Setting it to zero resets removes your wanted level completely.
player.setlevel [#] Up or down your player level as you see fit.
player.setav speedmult [#] Want to run like The Flash? Set this number to anything more than 100 to speed up movement.
player.modav carryweight [#] Tired of getting tired? Up your carryweight and you'll be able to transport more goodies. Toggling god mode (tgm) also lets you carry as much as you like.
player.setav health [#] Up your health here.
sexchange Change your character's gender.
player.placeatme [Item/NPC ID] [#] Use this to spawn NPCs and monsters at your location. Just replace actor/object ID with a Base ID (not a Ref ID) from our list of Skyrim NPC codes. This is the command we used to crank out a horde of dragons around Whiterun. Note that this command spawns new creatures, rather than moving old ones, so if you use it on an NPC, you'll clone them.
player.moveto [NPC Ref ID] Use this to move yourself next to an NPC, useful for Kharjo, the nomadic Khajit, who can be hard to find as he follows the caravans around Skyrim. In this case you use the Ref ID (not the Base ID), the opposite of placeatme. You can find the ID in our list of Skyrim NPC codes.
setrelationshiprank [ID] [#] Select two NPCs and set the relationship between them, the values range from 4 (lover) to -4 (archnemesis). Use it to make NPCs fight or do other er... more worrying things.
player.setscale [#] Changes the size of the player or NPC. You start out at level one, which is normal sized, while zero is small. It goes all the way up to an absurdly huge ten.
player.drop [Item ID] [#] Forces the player to drop items, even usually undroppable quest items. Try just 'drop' to drop absolutely everything you're carrying.
coc [Cell ID] Teleports you to any specified cell in the world.

Targeted Skyrim console commands

Targeted Skyrim commands will have an effect on an NPC or item that you select. They're perfect for unlocking chests, instakilling enemies, and bringing them back to life again.

Code Effects
unlock Can't find that vital key? Lockpicking skill too low? Open the console, click on the door or chest you want to unlock, and type "unlock" into the console. If only this worked in real life.
lock [#] For the opposite effect, you can set chests, doors (or NPCs?) to a locked state with a number from 1-100 representing the difficulty.
kill Look at the thing you want to kill, open the console, click on the target, and type this command. They'll fall over in a very dead manner.
resurrect Target the thing you want to bring back to life, and they'll get up in a very alive manner. Follow it with a 1 to resurrect them with all items intact.
removeallitems Target a character and type this and you'll get all their items—including their clothes. Note: does not work in real life.
addtofaction [Faction ID] [#] Click on an NPC and use this command to add them to a faction. It's not just about Stormcloaks and Imperials though. Using 0005C84D will add a character to the follower faction, giving them the necessary dialogue to join you, while 00019809 will add them to the 'potential spouse' faction, allowing you to marry them. This won't work on NPCs with unique voices however, so you won't be able to wed Esbern or General Tullius any time soon.
disable Also known as the 'I have no mouth and I must scream' command. Disable banishes the selected NPC to some sort of weird coding limbo. They become invisible, have no collisions and AI won't interact with them, but they're still technically there. Horrifying.
enable Undoes the effects of the Disable command. Disabling and then Enabling your follower will reset them to your current level, which is a handy way of making sure they stay useful in a fight.
setessential [NPC ID] [0/1] It might be fun putting on god mode and becoming immortal, but don't you get a little lonely knowing that one day all the other characters you love will die? I know I do. Thankfully there's a solution: simply use this console command with a 1 to set characters to 'essential', which means they'll take damage until they fall on their knees, but then get up again. Using it with a 0 will turn essential characters mortal, but be careful with that, Bethesda probably made them immortal for a reason.
setownership [Item ID] This command sets you as the owner of the targeted item, removing all those annoying 'stolen' tags from your ill gotten gains.
unequipitem [Item ID] Click on an NPC and type this to force them to put the item they're holding away. Useful if they're holding a sword you want.
dispelallspells Unsurprisingly, dispells all spells on the target NPC. This won't work on werewolves, as they technically become a different NPC when they transform.
MarkForDelete Marking an item for deletion sends a contract to the Dark Brotherhood, ensuring it will never been seen or heard from again. It will be removed from the world the next time you load an area. A useful way to get rid of annoying things like ash piles that never seem to go away.

Skyrim quest console commands

Skyrim quest commands can help you get around bugged issues in quests by automatically getting yourself to the next quest state or just let you cheat by moving directly to your next objective.

Code Effects
caqs Automatically complete all the stages of every quest. Perfect if you hate playing games.
movetoqt [Quest ID] Go straight to your quest target.
setstage [Quest ID] [Stage #] This allows you to move the quests you're playing back to a prior stage or forward to a new one. Useful if you've somehow broken it by murdering the wrong NPC. has a useful list of quests, along with IDs and stages.

Other Skyrim console commands

These are all of the odds and ends of Skyrim console commands. Do make sure you try out that secret developer room with all the toys.

Code Effects
csb Clears the annoying drops of blood that linger on the screen after fights.
help Lists every single console command. We've put this further down the list because we want you to actually read this article.
coc qasmoke Bethesda's handily included a room with every single in-game item in it—type this command to go straight there. It might take a while to load: there are thousands of items here. Type "coc Riverwood" (or any other location) to return to the game.
qqq Quit the game without having to go through any of those pesky menus.
fov [#] Sets your field of view. The maximum is 180.
set timescale to [#] This defaults at 20. Drop it to 1 for real-time Skyrim, up it to experience crazy timelapse-style Skyrim.
PC Gamer

Hey folks, beloved mascot Coconut Monkey here representing the collective PC Gamer editorial team, who worked together to write this article!

A Potato Flew Around My Room Minecraft Edition
