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If I Get Lipo on My Stomachwill Fat Move toit Again

one. Not All Fat is Created Equal

There are 2 types of fat that are particularly important when we're talking about tum liposuction: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.

Subcutaneous fat is the jiggly, pinchable fatty located simply underneath the pare. It'south generally harmless, just aesthetically it can be undesirable. Visceral fat is stored inside the abdominal cavity. Visually, it tin exist identified as the typical "beer abdomen" – information technology's firm and hard, and people with a lot of visceral fat are sometimes referred to as "skinny-fat." Information technology's as well much worse for your overall health than subcutaneous fat. All fat cells release hormones, merely because visceral fat is stored side by side to your organs, it's more than likely to interfere with organ functions, which tin can pb to greater insulin resistance (type two diabetes), college claret pressure, higher bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in your blood stream, and increase risk for heart illness and stroke.

Tum liposuction can just remove subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is firmly embedded inside the abdominal cavity – it cannot be suctioned out.  Weight Loss through diet and do tin reduce visceral fat safely and effectively.

An abdomen liposuction earlier-and-later photo (actual patient)

Having a lot of visceral fat won't necessarily preclude you from having liposuction, just information technology will affect the kind of results you can look from the procedure. The above patient had liposuction of the abdomen besides as waist and hips. We can see articulate results, and this patient was very satisfied. However, we tin see that the breadbasket area however has a bit of fullness – that's from visceral fat, which liposuction can't address.

Without an MRI or CAT browse, you lot can't tell exactly how much visceral fat yous accept, but there are some general guidelines.

Typically, visceral fat is nigh 10% of your overall body fat. As a full general rule, if you're a man with a waist over 40 inches, or you're a adult female with a waist over 35 inches, then your visceral fat may showtime to affect your health – and if your health is poor, you lot may no longer be a candidate for liposuction.

In your consultation, we'll address visceral fatty, whether you're a candidate for stomach liposuction, and talk nigh the kind of results yous can expect from the process.

2. Stomach Liposuction Doesn't Require General Anesthesia

This is true for all torso areas, merely information technology didn't used to be the case! In fact, in that location are still surgeons who adopt the old method using full general anesthesia, peculiarly when we're talking about the abdomen. Whether your surgeon is using general anesthesia or local anesthesia but, they'll likely use the tumescent method, which has been the gold standard for safe and constructive liposuction for many years.

The tumescent method of stomach liposuction involves filling the fatty area between the peel and the intestinal cavity with what'south called tumescent fluid – a mixture of saline and epinephrine, with sodium bicarbonate as a buffer. The saline solution fills the fatty layer under the pare until it is enlarged and business firm (or tumesced), making it easier to sculpt – which is why this method is sometimes called Liposculpture. The epinephrine acts every bit a vasoconstrictor, constricting blood vessels in the area to reduce bruising and blood loss.

If your surgeon is performing stomach liposuction using local anesthesia, they'll as well add together lidocaine (a numbing agent) to the tumescent fluid. This allows surgeons to perform lipo without putting patients to sleep, and reduces the risks that come up with general anesthesia, making the procedure safer overall. The tumescent method with local anesthesia is what nosotros use here at Houston Lipo Center.

iii. Beware of Loose Skin and Abdomen Hang

As you historic period, the amount of collagen your torso produces decreases, which results in less skin elasticity – pregnant your skin doesn't bounce dorsum similar information technology used to. Now, at that place'southward no wrong age to get liposuction! Just be aware, the older you are, the more likely peel laxity may exist an result, especially with stomach lipo.

Nosotros utilize SmartLipo (laser-assisted liposuction) on most cases here at Houston Lipo Center considering it has been shown to increase collagen production, which firms and tightens skin in the surface area.

Y'all may be enlightened that loose peel can be a trouble after extreme weight loss – it too can be an issue subsequently liposuction. Laser-assisted liposuction like SmartLipo will give you the best possible skin-tightening results from liposuction solitary. That said, at that place are some cases where, due to the size of the abdomen or the lack of skin elasticity, you lot may want to consider a tummy tuck.

Watch this video for more information on when peel laxity is an outcome and when it's not.

4. Fat Doesn't Move Around (Simply Yous Tin can Still Gain Weight)

Liposuction is an investment in your body, and like any investment, it needs to be maintained. Stomach liposuction won't preclude you from gaining back weight in your stomach, and it certainly won't forbid you from gaining weight. If you lot exercise proceeds weight, your stomach will still be slimmer than information technology would take been otherwise!  Recollect, liposuction is non a weight loss solution and should not be used like one.

Stomach liposuction removes fat cells from the abdomen area – permanently. Those cells don't come up dorsum, they don't move around, and your body doesn't change where information technology stores fatty.

Afterwards tummy liposuction, your trunk has fewer fat cells in the abdomen than information technology used to (well-nigh lxx% less). If you gain weight after tummy liposuction, your torso stores the same amount of fat in the same places that it usually does. However, since we've removed a lot of fat cells in the stomach, other areas may seem larger than your stomach in comparison. Your abdomen volition ever be smaller than it would have been without lipo – just that doesn't mean you tin can eat whatever you desire and never gain weight. Over again, it's something you lot take to maintain – liposuction isn't a quick fix and shouldn't be used like one.

5. Half dozen-pack Abs are Made in the Gym (and the Kitchen)

You've probably heard the term "abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym." And there's a lot of truth to that. If yous have a lot of subcutaneous fatty, it doesn't matter how big and strong your abdominal muscles are, they're simply not going to show through.

But look, liposuction removes subcutaneous fat, right? So why doesn't everyone who gets liposuction have six-pack abs?

The answer is pretty elementary: abs are made in both the kitchen and the gym. Or, in the case of stomach lipo, the gym and the operating room.

A great-looking apartment stomach – merely no six-pack (bodily patient).

You probably know or have seen someone with a flat stomach. They don't have much fat around their abdomen, and maybe you can see some muscle definition, but they don't accept what we'd phone call a six-pack. Visceral fatty can besides play a role – as we've shown previously, if you have a lot of visceral fat, you may not cease up with a flat stomach from lipo. Merely without edifice strong ab muscles through exercise and weight training, you shouldn't expect to develop abs from your lipo process.

Well-defined abdominal muscles after liposuction (actual patient).

With the above before-and-after photo nosotros can see the results from a tum liposuction instance where we can really see some well-defined abs. This patient conspicuously hits the gym, and trains his obliques. So, although someone you know might be blest with a naturally flat stomach, no 1'southward born with a natural six-pack – they're made in the gym as much as they are in the OR.
