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Who Can Baptise Me Again as an Adult?

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Baptism is a religious rite that symbolizes death, resurrection, and the washing abroad of sins. It is a method of becoming a member of a particular Christian church building. People are ordinarily baptized as babies, but yous tin always get baptized as an adult as long equally you are prepared to profess Christ as your Savior.

  1. 1

    Speak with an ordinary minister. Ordinary ministers are pastors, preachers, bishops, priests, and sometimes deacons who are vested with the authorisation to perform the sacrament.[ane] Priests have the ability to perform baptisms without consulting with a bishop, and they may delegate the job to a deacon.[2]

    • Technically, anyone can perform a Catholic baptism. However, this is usually only washed in farthermost cases – i.e. when someone is lying on his or her deathbed, and fervently wishes to become baptized and to receive salvation.[three]
  2. 2

    Clarify why you are getting baptized. Perchance you lot've had a built-in-again experience and you want to seek salvation to affirm your religion. Perhaps yous were baptized as a child, and y'all wish to exist baptized again. Perhaps y'all have recently joined from another church, and yous want to be baptized co-ordinate to your adopted tradition. The reasoning behind your choice will determine many of the details.

    • Remember that yous are doing this for you. An adult baptism can deepen your relationship with God, and it tin can human action as a lodestone for your faith. If information technology feels similar the correct pick, and so perhaps information technology is the right pick.[4]
    • If you are joining the church building from a dissimilar Christian denomination, simply you take already been baptized in the original denomination: you may not demand to become baptized again, depending on the denominations in question. The United Methodist Church, for instance, recognizes prior baptisms from all other Christian denominations except for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.[v]


  3. 3

    Plan the ceremony. Set a appointment. Invite friends and family. Decide whether you want a large, fancy upshot, or an intimate affair. Most people agree their baptism ceremony at their local church.[six]

    • You might want to stage a big event in order to solidify your growing function in the church. Baptism is a big pace! On the other hand, retrieve that this moment is not necessarily about your friends and family unit. It is an human action of delivery to yourself and to Christ.
    • Consider supplying nutrient to create a reception-like time of fellowship. Hire a catering company and budget how much y'all volition spend on food. Alternately, enquire a friend or family member to aid with the refreshments.
  4. 4

    Immerse yourself. When people are baptized as babies, they take holy h2o sprinkled over them. As a child, teenager, or adult, yous will kneel, sit, or lie in holy water. Specific rites may vary depending on which Church is baptizing you lot.

  5. v

    Go blessed. The administrator of the anniversary (the priest or minister) volition bless you "in the proper name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." He or she will dunk you into the water, then pull you out once again. Once yous have been blessed and immersed, you have been baptized. Rejoice. You lot are a Christian![vii]


  1. 1

    Speak with an ordinary minister. Ordinary ministers are pastors, preachers, bishops, priests, and sometimes deacons who are vested with the authority to perform the sacrament. Priests have the power to perform baptisms without consulting with a bishop, and they may consul the job to a deacon.[8]

    • Technically, anyone can perform a Catholic baptism. However, this is usually only done in extreme cases – i.e. when someone is lying on his or her deathbed, and fervently wishes to go baptized and to receive salvation.[nine]
  2. 2

    Choose a godfather and a godmother. Choice two people that you recall would make great godparents. If you are a child or a teenager, and then you may actually want to consider designating godparents. If you are an developed, and so this step is optional. Ask family unit members or shut friends – people that you trust.

  3. 3

    Plan the ceremony. Fix a date. Invite friends and family unit. Decide whether you want a big, fancy event, or an intimate affair. Almost people hold their baptism ceremony at their local church.[10]

    • Consider supplying food to create a reception-like time of fellowship. Rent a catering visitor and budget how much you will spend on food. Alternately, enquire a friend or family unit member to help with the refreshments.
  4. iv

    Bring the babe to the baptism ceremony. Set the date and programme everything out. When the special twenty-four hour period comes, take the child to church. The priest, government minister, or deacon will administer the ceremony.

  5. 5

    Submerge or sprinkle the child with holy water. When people are baptized as babies, they often have holy water sprinkled over them. As a child, teenager, or developed, yous volition kneel, sit, or prevarication in holy water. Specific rites may vary depending on which Church building is baptizing you.

    • Some churches volition sprinkle the child with holy water and say that this is enough. Other churches insist that you must be fully immersed in order to exist truly baptized. Consult with your priest or minister.[11]
  6. half-dozen

    Become blessed. The administrator of the anniversary (the priest or minister) volition bless you "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." He or she will douse the child into the h2o, so pull him/her out over again. Once the child has been blessed and immersed, the baptism is complete.[12]


  1. 1

    Confess your sins . Co-ordinate to the Bible, you lot must confess your sins before yous tin exist officially baptized. Speak to a priest or some other Christian minister.[13]

    • The Bible describes John the Baptist baptizing people as such: "Then Jerusalem, all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins." (Matthew 3:5, half dozen, NKJV)
  2. two

    Repent of your sins . Many believe that it is not enough to simply confess your sins – you must truly repent for what you accept done. Think about what it means to take Jesus Christ equally your Savior.[xiv]

    • Enquire your priest for assist. If you aren't certain how to make the pace from confession to repentance, ask your pastor/priest or a knowledgeable member of your church building for communication.
    • On Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus, many people were amazed by the Holy Spirit. When they asked Peter what to do, he replied, "Repent, and allow every 1 of you lot be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins." (Acts 2:38, NKJV).[15]
  3. 3

    Accept Jesus Christ every bit your Savior from sin. The final prerequisite for baptism is that y'all actually, truly believe. Search deep within yourself to make certain that you are gear up for this decision. If you believe that you are fix, then you are fix. Express your intention to become a fully-baptized Christian.

    • There are no age restrictions for baptism. In Christianity, whatsoever human beingness who has not however been baptized tin can receive the sacrament of baptism. It is said that baptism leaves a permanent mark on your soul, such that you lot never need to be "re-baptized."[16]


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  • Question

    Why do adults go baptized?

    Zachary Rainey

    Rev. Zachary B. Rainey is an ordained government minister with over 40 years of ministry building and pastoral practice, including over 10 years as a hospice chaplain. He is a graduate of Northpoint Bible Higher and a member of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.

    Zachary Rainey

    Ordained Minister

    Expert Answer

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    Adults who participate in a 'laic's baptism' may determine to be baptized in h2o considering they desire to identify with Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection. Baptism past immersion is a film of beingness buried with Christ and rise to live a new life. Baptism tells everyone, 'I no longer alive for myself, I alive a new life in Christ.' The Christian Scriptures exhort every follower of Jesus to 'dice' from selfish sinful ways and to 'live' in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit."

  • Question

    Do I have to take classes in club to be baptized?

    Community Answer

    No, but information technology would exist a practiced idea to do so, and so that you can empathise the process and reasoning more.

  • Question

    When I was younger, I went to church and accepted Jesus as my savior, but was never baptized. Can I nevertheless do it at present?

    Community Answer

    Yeah of course! Getting baptized is your own pick and you tin to it at any time before His coming.

  • Question

    I'yard 11 years onetime, and I have idea well-nigh getting baptized. I desire to tell my family, but I'm scared. How tin I tell them?

    Community Answer

    No one should go along your from getting baptized. If y'all want it, do it. You will need your family unit's consent. Tell them privately, only showtime, remember of what y'all want to say. Exist respectful simply true.

  • Question

    Will yous go to hell if y'all are not baptized?

    Community Answer

    No. If you don't become baptized, you lot have to have a stiff relationship with God, but it is not upward to any of us it's between y'all and God.

  • Question

    Is at that place a specific type of water and prayers that must be used during a baptism?

    Community Answer

    Non at all. John and Jesus used to baptize in the Jordan river. You can utilise what you lot call back is appropriate, and anoint the waters beforehand if you see fit. As for prayers, go for quality rather than length. You can quote appropriate versus from the Bible, or brand it your own.

  • Question

    Tin a babe exist baptized if his or her parents aren't married?

    Community Answer

    Some churches will baptize babies if their parents are not married. Talk to the pastor or priest at your local church to find out the church's policy.

  • Question

    My daughter is nondenominational. Where can she exist baptized without existence a member of the Church?

    Community Answer

    Typically, this shouldn't be an issue, as most churches won't deny baptism to non-church members. Consider request a few pastors; if they won't have your daughter, ask them for advice. Near of them would exist happy to help y'all.

  • Question

    I was baptized a Catholic, but I did not receive any of the other sacraments, such as Reconciliation and Communion. Tin can I go to confession then receive Communion?

    Community Answer

    You should talk over this with the pastor of the local Catholic Church you wish to join. If yous are an developed, at that place are germination classes to help you through preparing for these sacraments. If y'all are a kid, so you would go through traditional classes to set you every bit well, at age appropriate levels to sympathise the grace given through the sacraments.

  • Question

    Do I just go to church and inquire to be baptized and they volition practice information technology?

    Community Answer

    That is how you brainstorm the process, yep. Just tell the pastor that y'all want to alter and live a life for God. Then the pastor should exist able to tell you what to do.

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  • Some people believe that baptism is non required for conservancy. All the same, Jesus as reported in the Bible said that "he who believes and is baptized volition be saved." If you believe these words, then you may conclude the baptism is on the path to salvation.

  • In order to get a born-once more Christian, you lot must freely receive Christ and the Holy Spirit. You must country your belief before church authorities. Every bit a person is baptized, he/she "dies with Christ; is in the Tomb with Christ; and rises with Christ." Baptism symbolizes how y'all may exist "born once again" from "the law of sin and death".

  • In the Bible, water baptism was always done by full immersion. (Meet Matthew 3:16[17] , John 3:23[18] , and Acts 8:38.[nineteen] ) The discussion baptise literally means to dip, immerse or submerge.[20]


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Article Summary 10

To get baptized, start by speaking to a government minister within the church yous want to exist a part of and finding out the specific requirements for baptism within that denomination. One time you've set a appointment for the baptism, mentally prepare for your baptism by confessing your sins to a minister and accepting Jesus Christ every bit your savior. On the day of the ceremony, immerse yourself in h2o and have the minister bless you co-ordinate to the tradition of your specific church. For tips on how to have your kid baptized as a baby, read on!

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Who Can Baptise Me Again as an Adult?
